'Get a showreel’ they say ‘then we’ll see you for castings’ - A sentence that every actor knows and hates. Today, Casting Directors will not see you without one but, how do you go about getting a showreel without the footage?! You can't get the footage without the work but CD's won't see you.....a vicious circle!
So, you have to bow to one of the many companies
out there offering professional showreels. This is all
very well if you can find the hundreds of pounds to
have it made.
At MAP we used to offer Showreels at affordable prices with professional results. However, we're now sending you to our sister company SO IT IS PRODUCTIONS! A professional, female-led, super-production company who will offer you an affordable product at a quality price. AND, with every showreel you get a £15 voucher to spend at 53two! What's not to love?
Get in touch now using the button below to book in and claim your voucher....